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Monday, February 8, 2016

Life iS the mAtTer of tiMe

Life is all what you do

You can loose or you can gain

It is the matter of time and you will know oooo!

Learn to know what you should do,

Because life is in your time

It is always the matter of time and you will know oooo!

The art of being yourself

Being gentile and loving yourself

When you do the right thing, life will go on well

If you have the right attitude towards yourself,

You will have the right one towards others

Because it is the matter of time and you will know oooo!

Be sure you know what to do

Before you loose all you have got

Because it is the matter of time and you will know ooo!

Thinking and makind decision is on our hands.


Here he was....
All alone....
Alone walking on set
Trying hard to untie a corset 
Uncorset his worries and stress
A heavy burden inside the closet
He needed time to meditate
Maybe reboot and outset
Outset all things that upset
And give him loads in his mindset

He walked for a while.
The walk which was worthwhile 
He wasn't reading a file..
Maybe he was in off mode compile
Try to think life, nature and all sea mile
Walking in the land that seemed so fertile
Fertile for him to plant, harvest, and smile
This wasn't what he wanted to think all this while
So he decided to sit down for a while
To meditate and remind himself of his old style
This new style has been fair to him
He is no longer that young boy
He is a man with dreams and vision, walking a mile.
Walking to the mountains, lakes, valleys and even aisle
Walking a mile that is always worthwhile.

There it was....
In front of him there was an asset
An asset worth more than the miles
He was staring at the sunset.
The sunset has come to finalize the set.
So he wasn't lonely on a beautiful summer set.
It was him against nature and his mindset.
Trying to relax, visualize and open the closet.
Letting out all the fears, worries and stress in corset 
Nevertheless, it was a heavyset and not a quickset
For him to gain back his joy and happiness on set
All alone, On a beautiful summer sunset.

Picture of Emmanuel Rweymamu

By Lulu Mero

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Black woman Essence

You can see the essence of a black woman

when she walks into a room.

Her beauty is like a flower that blooms.

She doesn’t need a man to be strong,

Because she remains a woman all on her own.

She overcomes challenges that stands in her way.

The inner strength she has gets her through the day.

She continues to triumph with elegance and grace.

While being a double jeopardy because of her sex and her race.

She is a goal oriented woman with style and confidence.

She never forgets where she comes from and for that she is blessed.

She has faith in God and not ashamed to acknowledge his presence in her life.

She can testify that without him she could never endure any sacrifice.

This black woman of beauty is the mother of all.

And for that we should be proud and stand tall.

Everyone around her can feel her presence.

For she is a Black woman of essence.

One can say women are controller such argument can be from simple example to why a woman can wear a trouser while a normal man can't wear a skirt or dress?

Maendeleo - Kilimo vs Tekelinalokujia

Nyie mwasema kilimo,Eti uti wa mgongo
Mbona nyie hamumo,Au mwasema uongo?
Mme yawacha mashimo,Wasomi wenye mipango
Njooni kwenye kilimo,Acheni kubeba bango

Sasa kilimo ni uti wa mgomgo
wakati tekelinalokujia ndio somo
Mimi sibagua hata jembe nawezashika
Wasomi wenyewe ndo waendeleza kilomo mpango

Hilo tekelinalotujia,Limerushwa na kiatu
Vijijini lakimbia,Limefikia mjini tu
Masikini wanalia,Wamekauka watupu
Mali mmekumbatia,Sisi twasaga viatu

Mashule kufunguliwa teke kurushiwa vijijini
Wanafunzi kuwezeshwa kweli wataka iwe jiji
Maendeleo hupelekwa uliza izo charitizi
Kusema watu wachoyo sio wote duniani

Mengi nakuachia, kweli hili swala sila mmoja
Hamna wakumlaumu, tajiri anayake mawazo
Huwezi kumuukumu, ila kumbuka wale watoao
Hili swala la maendeleo ni jukumu letu sote.

Lulu Mero & Rashid Mohammed 

Malimwengu Mazito


Mbona umeshika tama, wajihi umeukunja?
Na mawazo wayakama, furahayo meivunja.
Kwenye sikitiko hama, we Hamadi wajipunja.
Siha yako 'taichoma, ukauke kama kanja.

Bahati sinayo jama, sijakufuru mizanja.
Maisha yamenifuma, Lulu sinao ujanja.
Upande huu meinama, malimwengu yanichanja.
Pande ile nalalama, walimwengu wanibanja.

Maisha kama mashua, leo kesho yaweza zama.
Si mchezo wa kwachua, kuibukia au kuzama.
Kosea kuyafumbua, utape ukiita mama.
Dunia imechanua, Mungu ameumba tizama.

Ulimwengu kuchanua, sikatai naungama.
Ela kwa walo kwachua, wakajishindia bima.
Mie seshi kujifua, Kwangu mie ni mlima.
Madini sijayazua, wala siwezi kuulima.

Ugomvi wataumwaya, suluhisho kwao vita.
Wanyonge watapwaya, kuonewa wanapopita.
Ulimwengu sio m'baya, haki ilikwishakita.
Binadamu ndio wabaya, kwelekeza yetu dira.

Nitafikwaje mimi tu? wengi wana afadhali.
Sitangamani na watu, idhaifu yangu hali.
Kwao mimi ni kiatu, sina hali wala bali.
Si thamani mie jitu, ardhi si pangu pahali.

Tazama mpaka mwisho, dunia wakaribio.
Ishara nahiri tokeo, kama tukufu maandiko.
Hamna ataye bakio, sio petu pahalipo.
Lazima yote matimio, kwetu yawe mazito.

Maandiko nayaamini, hatubaki duniani.
Fikra ilo akilini, tangulio kuzimuni.
Hamadi sina sinani, wa kuniauni simwoni.
Maswahiba kwaherini, dunia nawaachieni.

By Princesslumy Lulu and Mshairi Mshari.


Threat of Climate change

Global warming is the enemy
Who is our Superman if not our acts?
The world is not bad
But the people within
Mother Nature cries
We destroyed Ozone
We are now burning
Many indigenous creatures
Where is that snow
KILImanjaro is losing its cap
The ice melts away, no skating
Where will bears and others live?
The heat is too much gives even cancer
It is time to take control of our beautiful world.

(Swahili Version)

Mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa adui
Nani baunsa wetu kama si vitendo
Dunia siyo mbaya bali wabinadamu
Tumeharibu mizani tumebakisha kiu
wanyama kama bear kuangamia bila barafu
Kupoteza viumbe vya thamani
Kuunguzwa na jua bila kujijua
Barafu teketea Kupoteza hata pa kuskatia
Uliza Kilimanjaro kofia yake anaipotezea wapi
Joto limezisi, watu kupata kansa bila kutegemea
Mda umefika kuchukua jukumu la kuhifadhi Dunia

Climate change treaty copenhagen

Modest Mero

Life is like......

Life is like flowers
florishing and dies
Life is like a boat
floating and can also drawn
Life is like a bird, dove
Peacefully flies but also settles
life is like garden fruits
They grow rape, and can be rooten
Life is like a baby
Innocently born, but change over time
Most likely life is our human faces
They shine and go dime over time
what is ur life like?
Up and downs, balanced or both



Maisha ni sawa na kitu maua
Kinachonyauka hata kuchanua
Maisha ni sawa na kitu mashua
Kinachoelea hata kuzamia
Maisha ni sawa na ndege, njiwa
Huwa ruka ruka, na hata kutua
Maisha ni sawa na kitu matunda
Yanayo kuwa kuiva hata kuwa kuoza
Maisha ni sawa na mtoto mchanga
Kuzaliwa na mtulivu mpaka kuwa sugu
Maisha ni sawa na nyuso za wanadamu
Zinazo meremeta na hata kufifia
E mola tuweze tuweze kuchanua, meremeta, utulivu na hata kutua.

Happy side of life

Down side